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Business Cards for Flight Instructors

Using Your Buisness Cards Effectively

Networking with business cards is one of the most cost-effective means of marketing your business and yourself. Creating a fancy business card is only partly effective. The key to a successful first impression is presentation. If you are considerate, helpful, and attentive when presenting your card, you'll be perceived as considerate, helpful and attentive instructor as well.

Here are just a few tips on how to use business cards to market yourself as a flight instructor.

  1. Never leave your home... or office... without them
    Be prepared. You just never know when you are going to meet a potential student. Be sure to tuck a few business cards everywhere. Your car. Your wallet. Your desk drawer. Your briefcase. The point is to have them on hand so that you can introduce yourself to new people when the moment is right.
  2. Give people a reason to hold onto your card
    Jot a note on the back of your card or print labels describing a special promotion, such as $10 off the introductory flight, a discount off their first lesson, etc. and stick them to the back of your cards. Anything you can do to personalize your card increases its value and make it more likely to be kept.
  3. Consider your cards to be the seeds of your business and scatter them widely
    Take advantage of free advertising. Place your cards on bulletin boards at local restaurants, supermarkets, libraries, high schools, colleges, gyms, country clubs, etc. Send them to area business and civic associations with a special offer on the back to be used for drawings and giveaways.
  4. Use your business cards to introduce yourself to prospects you meet at networking functions and aviation events
    Main point: don't be pushy. Make sure the timing is appropriate. Ask for the other person's card. He or she will most likely ask for yours in return. Hand out a couple at a time, one for the person you meet and extras for him or her to hand out to referrals.
  5. Wait - before you hand out your card!
    Be sure to collect your prospective student’s contact information before you hand them your card. That way you can follow up with them later.

So, bottom line—be prepared! You just never know when you'll run into your next student. You'll find that many important contacts and business card exchanges can take place in the most unlikely places.