The AOPA Fly-In at the Buckeye Air Fair in Arizona February 14 through 16 is one of the finest aviation events on the calendar. Grown from modest roots, it is now an action-packed weekend with airshows, a static display, seminars, and exhibits. But we couldn’t pull it off without volunteers —and we need a couple more.
While it is fun to tour all the attractions at the Air Fair, it’s quite a different—and I would argue a more exciting—experience working it. You get to know aircraft, exhibitors, and pilots from a completely different perspective. And it’s not like we’re going to work you to the bone. Shifts are 2.5 hours long and can be longer, depending on where you’re stationed. And wait, there’s more: We’ll give you lunch and our extra-special event T-shirt. And if you’re located out “in the field,” carts will come by on a regular basis with drinks and snacks.
Showside you’d be helping exhibitors set up or tear down, or assisting at the hospitality or VIP tent.
There are a couple of slots still open, so here’s your chance to join the fun. Sign up to volunteer airside or showside. I’m looking forward to seeing you there (I’ll be the one signing you in at the big hangar).