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Prior permission required for GA to land at Las Vegas International

Transient general aviation pilots will need to receive prior permission to land at Las Vegas’ Harry Reid International Airport through June 5, and perhaps longer.

Google Earth image.

Congestion at Las Vegas International has been increasing, limiting available parking at FBOs. Runway 01L/19R and taxiway closures for construction are contributing to issues regarding the volume of traffic the airport can handle. Because of this, pilots flying GA aircraft will need to get permission in advance to land. The current prior permission required (PPR) notice to air missions runs through June 5, but AOPA Director of Airspace, Air Traffic, and Security Jim McClay said that the notam could be extended until runway construction is complete. The runway closure is currently scheduled to end June 12 at noon Pacific time.

PPR notams are typically put into place for large events that attract an influx of transient aircraft. However, Las Vegas regularly hosts events contributing to regular high volumes of traffic. FBOs monitor their available ramp space and communicate with the tower and airport to have PPR notams issued when necessary. While not the stated intent, PPR notams can also help ATC in managing the volume of traffic while down one runway, McClay said.

PPR notams have been in place at different times for Las Vegas International this year, McClay said. However, the impact to AOPA members should be minimal since most GA traffic flies into North Las Vegas and Henderson Executive airports. Neither of those airports currently has PPR notams in place. Aviation advocacy groups push back anytime PPR notams are scheduled to be in place at all three airports at the same time.

“We’ll be keeping an eye on this,” said McClay, who has been in close contact with the National Business Aviation Association. NBAA carefully monitors PPR notams and advocates on behalf business aviation operators.

Alyssa J. Miller
Alyssa J. Cobb
The former senior director of digital media, Alyssa J. Cobb was on the AOPA staff from 2004 until 2023. She is a flight instructor, and loves flying her Cessna 170B with her husband and two children. Alyssa also hosts the weekly Fly with AOPA show on the AOPA Pilot Video YouTube channel.
Topics: Advocacy, Airport Advocacy

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