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FAA working to update private-use airport listings

AOPA is encouraging owners of private-use airports to confirm with the FAA that the information the agency has on file about their airports is no more than three years old as the agency works to update its data on the airfields.

Owners who would like to review the information on file for their private-use airports can visit this web page, then click “Quick Links” at the top right corner of the page and select “Private Airport Report” from the menu that appears.

The FAA is attempting to contact private-use airport owners by mail, so it is important to ensure that a correct mailing address is also on file, said Adam Williams, AOPA manager of airport policy.

Private-use airports that have not had information updates for more than 20 years may be removed from aeronautical charts. There are currently 163 such airports, and the FAA is specifically asking their owners to respond by January 23.

Even if an airport is removed from charts, it remains in the FAA’s database. Removal from a chart has no impact on state or local approvals, but if the owner wants the airport to appear again on charts, it would be necessary to inform the FAA that the airport is still active. In that case, the airport would be restored to the chart during the next 56-day chart publication cycle.

Instructions for airport owners

Please use any one of the following methods to notify the FAA that your airport’s data is still correct:

  1. If you have the letter from the Private Airport Survey, please complete it and return it to the FAA at the address provided in the letter.
  2. You may also call the FAA Regional or Airport District Office that is responsible for your state. You can determine which office to call by visiting this site. For example, if your airport is in South Carolina you would contact the Atlanta Airport District Office at 404/305-6799. 
  3. Alternatively, you may contact Chris Criswell at the Office of Airports by email or by phone 202/267-4634 and he will assist you.
  4. Or you may update your airport record online. The FAA encourages airport owners to use this method. There are several steps to this process. If at any time you find this process to be too difficult, please use one of the above methods. You can update your data by using the Airport Data and Information Portal. Click on the “Register” button to register for an account. In the Requested Role field select “Airport Manager.” Once registered, log in to the system. Here you will be able to view or make changes to your Airport Master Record by clicking “Update Facility Data.” On the next screen, you can submit the form with or without changes. This action will preserve your airport symbol on the charts for the next three years. You may view step-by-step instructions here. Review the images in the document to see what the screens will look like. For technical assistance after you are logged in, locate the HelpDesk link.
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AOPA ePublishing Staff editors are experienced pilots, flight instructors, and aircraft owners who have a passion for bringing you the latest news and AOPA announcements.
Topics: Advocacy, Airport Advocacy, Airport

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