Test your knowledge of pilot privileges with these questions from the AOPA Pilot Information Center.
1. If a certificated pilot changes their permanent mailing address and fails to notify the FAA Airmen Certification Branch of the new address, the pilot is entitled to exercise the privileges of the pilot certificate for a period of only
A. 60 days after the date of the move.
B. 30 days after the date of the move.
C. 90 days after the date of the move.
2. Which aircraft has the right of way over all other air traffic?
A. An aircraft in distress.
B. An aircraft on final approach to land.
C. A balloon.
3. Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is the continuous broadcast of recorded information concerning
A. nonessential information to reduce frequency congestion.
B. noncontrol information in selected high-activity terminal areas.
C. pilots of radar-identified aircraft whose aircraft is in dangerous proximity to terrain or to an obstruction.
4. A memory aid about three Cessna 152 training aircraft and five F–111 jets helps student pilots stay VFR. What does it relate to?
A. Flight plan requirements.
B. Preflight weather requirements.
C. Visibility and cloud clearance requirements.
5. No person may operate an aircraft in acrobatic flight when
A. over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement.
B. flight visibility is less than 5 miles.
C. less than 2,500 feet agl.
Can you correctly answer these questions from retired TWA captain and 28,000-hour pilot Barry Schiff?
6. A pilot is taxiing along a narrow taxiway at a nontowered airport on a cloudless day when he notices a Cessna 172 approaching from the opposite direction. Without stopping, how can both pilots be certain that their wing tips will not touch as they pass one another?
7. According to the Aeronautical Information Manual, the intensity of snowfall can be estimated by the visibility restriction it causes. Snowfall is heavy when the visibility is less than _____ statute miles; it is light when more than _____ miles; and it is moderate when visibility is between these values.
A. one-eighth, one-quarter
B. one-quarter, one-half
C. one-half, 1
D. three-quarters, 1.5
8. According to FAA’s publication, Aviation Weather, the minimum wind speed of a jet stream is _____ knots, and the minimum sustained wind speed in a hurricane (typhoon) is _____ knots.
9. Which of the following contains the most chemical energy per gallon?
A. Jet A (kerosene)
B. 100LL (avgas)
C. Unleaded, regular automobile fuel (mogas)
D. Ethanol
10. True or false? Following their nonstop, unrefueled, 216-hour flight around the world in the Rutan Voyager in 1986, pilots Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager were each allowed to log 216 hours of cross-country time.