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Frederick Fly-In

‘Like you’re around your own’

Frederick Fly-in

Longtime AOPA Airport Support Network volunteer Lee Sommer said he has been to almost all of AOPA’s fly-ins at Frederick, Maryland, headquarters. So when the event returned October 4 as the Homecoming Fly-In after a hiatus, the College Park Airport-based pilot was happy to come back, too.

Homecoming by the numbers

3,000+ Attendees
347 Aircraft
315 Volunteers
57 Exhibit booths
34 Aircraft on display
2,953 Lunches served
15 Food trucks
125 Rusty pilots learning how to get back into aviation

2014 AOPA Fly-Ins

San Marcos Municipal Airport
(HYI)—April 26, 2014

Indianapolis Regional Airport
(MQJ)—May 31, 2014

Plymouth Municipal Airport
(PYM)—July 12, 2014

Felts Field, Spokane
(SFF)—August 16, 2014

Chino Airport
(CNO)—September 20, 2014

Frederick Municipal Airport
(FDK)—October 4, 2014

Malcolm McKinnon Airport
(SSI)—November 8, 2014

“I guess one of the big things is, it’s kind of like you’re around your own,” he said. At the fly-in—the sixth of seven regional fly-ins in 2014 designed to reach pilots at a grassroots level—members connected with their association and one another, checked out the latest products and gear, and brushed up on aviation safety topics and the latest issues affecting their flying.

Display aircraft included everything from the Cessna 185 Polar Pumpkin to an L–39 jet. The Experimental Aircraft Association’s restored B–17G Aluminum Overcast carried passengers on a trip back in time with flights throughout the weekend. And Michael Goulian, a Red Bull Air Race Championship pilot and a winner of the U.S. Unlimited Aerobatic Championship, delighted the crowd with an aerobatic demonstration in his Extra 330SC. Volunteers helped marshal airplanes and keep the whole event running smoothly.

“It is a great airport,” said AOPA President Mark Baker at the pancake breakfast. “It’s a great day to be at an airport.”

Frederick Fly-in

Frederick Fly-in

Frederick Fly-in

Frederick Fly-in

Frederick Fly-in

Frederick Fly-in

Frederick Fly-in

Frederick Fly-in

Frederick Fly-in

Sarah Deener
Sarah Deener
Senior Director of Publications
Senior Director of Publications Sarah Deener is an instrument-rated commercial pilot and has worked for AOPA since 2009.

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