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LAS Vortac outage

LAS Vortac outage

The LAS Vortac will be shut down on May 20, 1999, at 0900UTC (0200 local time). A temporary VOR/DME will be turned on at that time with the same frequency and identifier. The temporary VOR/DME will be located 439 feet southwest of the current vortac location. The purpose of this move is to convert the old facility to a Doeppler/vortac, eliminating the signal interference caused by recent hotel construction near the airport.

A reverse transition (back to the original location) will be scheduled for July 15, 1999, at 0900UTC. This will complete the Doeppler conversion.

Both Smiths Industries and Honeywell Corporation representatives have given assurance that this geographical move is within accepted tolerance of the transmitted signal and should not cause any map shift.

The FAA will issue all appropriate notams.

This notice is being issued prior to the notam, so that you could ensure your “engine out” procedures are correct during this period of time.

May 17, 1999

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