Passionate pleas such as this from AOPA members who contact the AOPA Pilot Information Center will get the following response from the AOPA aviation technical specialists: “Whoa, buddy, hold on there.”
New buyers need to take a couple of key steps before they put their money on the line. We appreciate the enthusiasm that new aircraft buyers show; however, taking too swift action without following a tried-and-true process could result in disappointment for both buyer and seller.
One of the most common mistakes in purchasing an aircraft is to buy on the basis of impulse without fully considering the effects of your decision. Take the time to analyze your requirements carefully and be realistic.
Don’t get emotional about the purchase. There are no steals—if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Take advantage of your AOPA membership offerings online where we have an entire section devoted to buying and selling aircraft. Also, call the AOPA Pilot Information Center—the aviation technical specialists will help you keep this big step in perspective.