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Caldwell RNAV (GPS) 22

On your toes

Essex County Airport (CDW) in Caldwell, New Jersey, is a tower-controlled reliever airport that takes some of the strain off other local airports such as Newark and Teterboro.
Chart Talk
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Chart Talk

There are business jets as well as smaller general aviation airplanes here and quite a bit of flight school activity. It sits at the edge of the New York Class B airspace, which means it can be easy to operate into or out of the airport VFR with a minimum of communication with the overlying congested airspace, but to do so is to take certain risks. Having the helping hand of ATC is a smart move. However, if they’re too busy or you need to get in and out quickly and the weather conditions are suitable, VFR is an option.Glidepath control is critical, because the chart does not depict the roads that run just north of the field, which create thermal-like conditions.

CDW is only six miles to the north of Morristown Airport (MMU), which is another busy tower-controlled field. Just four miles to the north-northwest sits Lincoln Park (N07), which is just outside of the CDW Class D airspace. Overhead is airline traffic going to Newark, and bizjet traffic going to Teterboro. Runways 22 and 28 at CDW are right traffic. There’s a lot going on here and being part of the chaos means being on your toes.

Using the FAA chart for the RNAV (GPS) 22, it isn’t obvious that there is a decent amount of hilly terrain approaching the airport. This part of New Jersey has a lot of hills and ridges. The FAA charts include some terrain markers, along with depictions of lakes and ponds that lie between the various hills. On a clear day, it’s a picturesque view if you’re arriving from the west or north. But on a cloudy or damp day with little to no winds, you can end up with a lot of ground fog. Low layers of clouds and scud can also play games with your depth perception.

As you approach the airport and begin to brief for the approach, pay attention to the ATIS, as it often will advertise traffic flow in and out of Morristown. You may not have time to monitor the CTAF for any traffic at Lincoln Park, and if the weather is remotely IFR, I wouldn’t worry about it. The plan view shows three initial approach fixes (IAFs), all coming from the west. It’s clear that the TERPs and FAA folks wanted to minimize traffic congestion close to TEB and EWR while also respecting the pattern around N07. On my last arrival, I was cleared to ZEZEE at 3,000 feet for the approach. Looking ahead, the next descent is after APART, which also includes a 37-degree turn during the descent. After DOWDY, there is a 67-degree turn to join the final approach course inbound. Especially in faster aircraft, start thinking about initial configuration and speed changes prior to arriving at APART.

From APART to DOWDY there is only a 600-foot change in altitude, so there is no need to rush the descent. In fact, if there is any wind or uneven ground heating, this can be a bit of a bumpy arrival. You will be coming in over some hilly terrain prior to DOWDY, including a tower just south of the course (1,212 feet msl on the chart), so monitor your descent and path control carefully; if you have an autopilot, use it.

The turn from DOWDY to FAAIR is a big change in course and can be more so with a strong crosswind. I found it easier to manage by dropping my gear and slowing a few knots just to keep it comfortable. From FAAIR inbound, you will descend over the ridges while looking for the airport. In low light/low visibility conditions, it may take a minute to confirm you have the field, in sight. If your airplane is LPV capable, you can take it down to 287 feet agl, which is almost ILS-like. Glidepath control is critical, because the chart does not depict the roads that run just north of the field which create thermal-like conditions.

The missed approach is straightforward, and the runway is 4,500 feet long, so you have plenty of time to begin the climb away from terrain to 2,000 feet. YOVUN is 11 miles away, and the odds of having to actually go there with New York approach are slim. Expect vectors back for another try or an initial heading for your diversion, but realize that if you do get the published missed, there’s plenty of time to catch up to yourself on the way there.

Chip Wright is an airline pilot and frequent contributor to AOPA publications.

Chip Wright
Chip Wright is an airline pilot and frequent contributor to AOPA publications.

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