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FREDERICK, Md., July 16, 2024—A diverse coalition of aviation industry stakeholders—representing commercial aviation, general aviation, manufacturing, emerging technologies, and more—submitted a letter to aviation leaders in Congress requesting a strengthened investment in the FAA’s air traffic control modernization budget.

Highlighting the unique economic importance of the industry, as aviation accounts for more than five percent of the U.S. GDP, the letter requested more be done to sustain and modernize the FAA’s air traffic control (ATC) system.

“We respectfully request authorizers and appropriators work with the FAA and all stakeholders to support the system through direction and predictable appropriations, derived primarily from the [Airport & Airway Trust Fund] AATF to help ensure the FAA has an updated plan in order to effectively use the resources necessary to continue to grow the NAS safely and efficiently,” the letter stated.

The future of air traffic control has been divisive in the past, with some sectors of the industry calling for privatization of the U.S. system. This joint coalition letter is a promising acknowledgment that the FAA is the right entity to oversee this national system.

“It’s encouraging to see virtually every sector of the aviation industry, from the airlines to general aviation, unite to support needed reforms and investment in the FAA’s modernization effort,” said AOPA President Mark Baker. “Ensuring the FAA has the tools it needs is the best way to guarantee the U.S. maintains the safest and most robust air traffic system in the world.”

The coalition also commended the work already being done to provide funding and safeguard the airspace system, praising the ATC workforce and reporting provisions included in the 2024 FAA reauthorization bill.

“Ensuring that the FAA is able to leverage the Trust Fund to guarantee that they have the resources needed for a safe and modernized system is a top priority of the entire aviation industry,” said Nick Calio, President and CEO of Airlines for America (A4A). “A4A will continue to advocate with all stakeholders to ensure the U.S. is the safest, most-efficient airspace in the world.”

Read the coalition letter here.

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