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The Pilot Passport challenges on the AOPA app were created to commemorate the association’s eightieth anniversary in 2019. The challenges were designed to encourage pilots to get out and fly, visit new airports, and meet other pilots across the country. The challenges proved popular, and AOPA pilots who “checked-in” at airports for specific challenges—such as at grass strips or historic locations—won prizes for the most check ins.
Beginning July 1, AOPA will launch a brand-new challenge for Pilot Passport: the AOPA Poker Run National Flight Challenge. The new challenge is based on common poker games, but with virtual cards. Prizes will be awarded based on the best hand, first runner-up, second runner-up, and worst hand.
The initial game will be based on seven-card stud and rules will be similar to physical card play. No betting or methods to increase individual chances are possible. The challenge will run for the entire third quarter of 2022 (July 1 through September 30); each participant will earn one of 52 cards when they check in at any public-use airport that is in the Pilot Passport app. Playing cards are issued just like Pilot Passport badges; participants can earn more than one card per day, but the airports visited must be unique, even when checking in on different days. Checking in at seven different airports will be required to get a full, eligible hand.
Only hands of seven cards qualify as an entry in the contest. The five best cards are automatically selected as the entry hand. Our web server will determine the best hand from all eligible entries, and there are no wild cards for this initial game.
“We’re very excited about introducing a poker run inspired challenge for the AOPA Pilot Passport app,” said Eric Rush, AOPA director of IT products. “This concept will help evolve AOPA Pilot Passport into a long-term program that adds fun to general aviation flying. All participants have an equal opportunity to win prizes and maybe even find some new places to fly to. We’re also planning to introduce other types of interactive challenges throughout the year.”
Share your experiences playing the poker run by uploading photos and posting comments on social media (use #AOPAPilotPassport in your posts).
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These and other videos can be accessed in the AOPA Pilot Digital Edition and on YouTube.
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