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The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Air Safety Institute (ASI) released a new video from its Early Analysis series providing an initial examination of a recent accident.

On November 27, 2022, a Mooney M20J became entangled in high-voltage power transmission lines on an instrument approach to Montgomery County Airpark in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Thankfully both the pilot and passenger were rescued from the airplane that was perched some 100 feet above the ground.

The Mooney had been cleared for the GPS approach to Runway 14. Weather conditions at that time were poor with a 200-foot overcast and 1.25 miles visibility in mist.

“In Early Analysis: N201RF, the AOPA Air Safety Institute wants to help pilots understand what is known about the accident as we look at factors that are likely to be a subject of the investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board," said AOPA's ASI Senior Vice President Richard McSpadden.

McSpadden continued, “Low IMC flight at night is a challenging scenario. As pilots we need to recognize the demands on us and make sure we’re rested, proficient, and ready to undertake such a flight.”

“This accident happened in the last two minutes of the approach. The Air Safety Institute estimates that about 47 percent of accidents happen in the two minutes after takeoff and two minutes before landing. So, we need to ensure we’re ahead of the airplane as we start an approach—especially in low instrument conditions,” McSpadden concluded.

Early Analysis videos provide an initial assessment of prominent mishaps that generate large public interest and may indicate important safety lessons for the general aviation community.

Read AOPA’s article here.

View the video here.

View other Early Analysis videos here.

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