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Air surgeon offers tips to speed medical certification

All pilots have a strong interest in doing whatever they can to speed up the medical certification process.

FAA Federal Air Surgeon Dr. Susan Northrup is shown next to the family's Canadian Car and Foundry Harvard Mark IV, a version of the North American T-6 warbird trainer. Photo courtesy of John Hyle.

In this FAA Pilot Minute video, Dr. Susan Northrup, the federal air surgeon, prescribes a few easy but important steps you can take to facilitate this important task.

  • Be sure each page you submit is legible and includes your name, the date, and any identification numbers assigned in letters from the FAA.
  • Make sure your contact information is current in the FAA’s MedXPress system.
  • Be certain that all letters including summaries from physicians are signed and dated.
  • Check your information packet to assure that it includes all information the FAA requested.
  • Keep copies of everything you send.
  • Review the Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners to determine what’s required for each diagnosis.

More assistance is available from your aviation medical examiner, regional fight surgeon, or AOPA’s medical resources.

AOPA ePublishing staff
AOPA ePublishing Staff editors are experienced pilots, flight instructors, and aircraft owners who have a passion for bringing you the latest news and AOPA announcements.
Topics: Pilot Health and Medical Certification, Training and Safety, FAA Information and Services

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