Finding just the right aircraft for your mission used to be a hassle, even for experienced buyers faced with tracking down answers to myriad questions from many sources.
In the past, a buyer may have had to scour several databases and resources to find the perfect aircraft, spending countless hours scrolling through information that may seem contradictory. The research can be exhausting.
We’ve been compiling the comprehensive online resource for some time, and it lists nearly 90 aircraft that are currently in production. The AOPA Aircraft Guide spotlights new aircraft ranging from single-engine pistons and twins to turbines and rotorcraft, and includes the model overview, specifications, performance, and limiting and recommended airspeeds. You’ll find links to AOPA articles and pilot reports for each aircraft, as well as stunning photography from our archives. You can then use the Vref aircraft valuation service to determine the value of your trade-in, or the value of older models of listed aircraft. The site also features the popular AOPA loan calculator.
Additional aircraft will be added regularly.
“This aircraft guide is the fruition of a lot of work here at AOPA, and is more extensive than anything like it in the industry,” said Kollin Stagnito, AOPA vice president of publications. “We will continue to add information, making it the biggest directory of used and new aircraft on the internet. This will be a tremendous resource for anyone at any point in the buying spectrum.”