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iFlightPlanner tuned for efficiency

Member input leads to additional capability

Pilot input helped AOPA and iFlightPlanner software engineers tune the flight planning engine with additional capability and improvements to temporary flight restriction representations, route rubberbanding functionality, Leidos Flight Service briefings, and airway waypoints.

  • The enhanced fuel price menu can help AOPA members quickly locate available fuel and pricing at nearby airports. Image courtesy of
  • Future TFRs are now colored orange to distinguish them from those currently active and indicated in red. Image courtesy of
  • Route rubberbanding now works in one seamless motion rather than first needing to insert a waypoint. Image courtesy of
  • The flight plan filing tool now detects changes to flight plans requiring AOPA members to amend or refile their flight plan. Image courtesy of
  • AOPA members may now request plain language weather briefs and set their preferred format in the iFlightPlanner My Settings tab. Image courtesy of
  • Added settings allow members to set their preferred weather brief format and reduce the number of waypoints when flying airways. Image courtesy of

Pending TFR depictions will be colored orange to alert pilots to TFRs that will become effective in the near future. Current TFRs are indicated in red and pilots are encouraged to check the latest notams.

Members familiar with the rubberbanding function that allows users to drag a flight path to a new location asked about streamlining the process. AOPA and iFlightPlanner software specialists worked together to enhance the rubberbanding functionality, allowing users to drag a line to a new location without needing to first insert a waypoint.

Plain language briefings are now available from the interface with Leidos Flight Service or 800/WX-BRIEF. In addition, flight service recently introduced an update to the flight briefing service that allows users to request an initial briefing from Leidos Flight Service and then—prior to takeoff—receive an updated briefing with the latest flight conditions without duplicating the data you already have. The option is now available, provided you’ve authorized iFlightPlanner to retrieve weather briefs and file flight plans via your Flight Service account.

Another new function of iFlightPlanner for AOPA is the option to reduce the number of waypoints along airways when route planning through a customizable setting in your flight planner settings.

The iFlightPlanner became active April 22 and operates slightly differently from the previous AOPA flight planner interface.

Since the introduction a month ago, AOPA Pilot Information Center specialists noted a few common questions and provided answers.

  • Pilots can hide the Planner console that appears in the top center of the flight planning interface by clicking the “Planner” button and can similarly show or hide the adjacent Nav Log.
  • Pilots wishing to print a paper backup or share their flight plans with family members or fellow pilots can use the print command or use your browser’s print to PDF function to save the Nav Log as a PDF ready for email.
  • You can add aircraft to your profile by searching by the make or model—as in C182 or PA–28—and the field will self-populate with the appropriate matches. You can then choose your model number and modify the profile for your particular aircraft if needed.

“How-to” videos are posted on and on YouTube, and a May 19 Livestream to further explore the new features will be archived.

AOPA Director of Product Development Eric Rush said that iFlightPlanner improvements will continue to evolve in the weeks ahead.

“We sincerely appreciate the feedback we continue to receive from AOPA members who planned with iFlightPlanner for AOPA since its launch last month, and I’m excited by how quickly our team responded to those conversations to introduce several enhancements that will improve the planning experience for everyone,” said Andy Matthews, iFlightPlanner director of business development.

David Tulis
David Tulis
Senior Photographer
Senior Photographer David Tulis joined AOPA in 2015 and is a private pilot with single-engine land and sea ratings and a tailwheel endorsement. He is also a certificated remote pilot and co-host of the award-wining AOPA Hangar Talk podcast. David enjoys vintage aircraft and photography.
Topics: AOPA Products and Services, Gear, Technology

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