Flaps: As required for takeoff
This depends on the type of takeoff you will perform. For most trainers it’s between 0 and 10 degrees.
Doors, windows: Closed/secure
Nobody wants to deal with a door opening in flight. Push on it after it’s closed to check it is secure.
Mixture: Rich
High density altitude may require adjustment to this setting.
Carb heat: Off
Allows the engine to produce full power on takeoff.
Primer: In/Locked
To prevent the primer from working its way out and filling with fuel. An open primer allows excess fuel to get sucked into the engine, and that creates an excessively rich mixture and a loss of engine power. An open primer line also can cause the engine to continue running after you’ve pulled the mixture knob to idle cutoff.
Fuel Selector: Proper tank
Left or right, whicheveris fuller.
Heading and attitude indicator/altimeter: Set
ttitude indicator should show no turn, climb, or descent. Heading indicator should be aligned with the magnetic compass. Altimeter should be set to the most recent reading from the automated weather observation system, or the field elevation.
Keeps fuel flowing to the engine during takeoff should the engine-driven pump fail. (On a gravity-fed fuel system such as those on Cessnas, this step is not needed.)
Seatbelts/harnesses: Fastened
Common sense here, and because the regulations (FAR 91.107) require it.
Anticollision lights, landing lights: On
If flying at night, navigation lights should be turned on at engine start; protect your and other pilots’ night vision by leaving anticollision lights off until you’re ready to depart.
Engine instruments: Normal
Oil pressure and temperature, fuel pressure and quantity, should be within normal range. In cold weather, you should not take off until the oil temperature is within a specific range.
Transponder: On/Alt
The unit should be turned on and reporting altitude. ADS-B should be on so that the GPS acquires satellites and syncs with the ADS-B before takeoff.
Clearance: Obtain
If departing a towered airport, get permission from the control tower to depart. If departing a nontowered airport, look and listen for incoming aircraft and announce your intention to take off, and direction of flight.