The FAA has proposed an airworthiness directive requiring inspections of several Aerostar Aircraft Corp. twin models for corrosion of elevator and aileron balance tubes and possible replacement of the tubes.
The proposed AD, which affects an estimated 404 airplanes of Aerostar models PA–60-601P, PA–60-602P, and PA–60-700P, was prompted by reports of corrosion on the elevator and aileron balance tubes of a PA–60-601P.
“After the finding on the first airplane, Aerostar inspected four additional airplanes in the PA-60 fleet. Aerostar reported four out of these five airplanes had corrosion on both the aileron and elevator balance tubes,” the FAA said, noting that the condition “could result in failure of the aileron and elevator balance tubes. This failure could cause the aileron and/or elevator balance tubes to jam and result in loss of control of the airplane.”
Procedures for the repetitive inspections that must be performed within 10 hours’ time in service from the AD’s effective date, and any necessary replacements, are described in Aerostar Service Bulletin SB600-138, dated August 30, 2018.
Comments on the AD may be submitted until August 10 online or by mail to U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590. Please include “Docket No. FAA-2020-0574; Product Identifier 2019-CE-015-AD” at the beginning of your comments.