Until now, if you purchased Sporty’s Pilot Shop’s Learn to Fly course, you were required to choose whether you wanted the course online or in tablet form. Not anymore. Sporty’s has launched a new cross-platform course, allowing users to work online, or on their iPad, iPhone, or on Apple TV.
Having the flexibility to learn where you want, when you want is the biggest functional change in the new course, but it’s only one of dozens of updates to what was already a nice learning experience.
The course interface also has been redesigned. Instead of downloading multiple applications, users will go to Apple’s App Store and download the free Sporty’s Pilot Training app. From there customers can choose to preview or purchase individual courses that will be synced automatically for use online through the company’s training portal.
Initially the app is being launched with Sporty’s private pilot training course, the company’s ForeFlight tutorial, and a full instrument rating course. Other courses will be migrated to the app later.
Inside the private pilot course, written test questions are logically organized; videos are easy to navigate; and segments are cleverly cross-referenced. When having problems with a written exam question, for example, a user can hit a button and automatically be taken to the segment in the video that covers the material. And when navigating the airman certification standards, each task has corresponding links to video resources.
Sporty’s has big plans for the course that will further integrate functionality; with the app model, updates will be quick and easy.
The app is free. The private pilot and instrument rating courses are $199.99 each, and the ForeFlight course is $29.99. All are one-time lifetime purchases, and past customers have been grandfathered to the new platform.