FREDERICK, MD – The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) has released the redesigned AOPA Pilot Guides: Bahamas and Caribbean editions for 2018. The guides, on sale now, are a trusted source of flight planning information for the islands for more than 35 years.
You’ll also be able to find hotel and recreation phone numbers, information about the local culture, the best way to get around on the islands, and what the food is like. Plus, read tips and suggestions from other pilots about where to stay and fun things to do.
“As a comprehensive resource for travelers and pilots alike, these guides make it easy to find everything you’d need to know about flying to the Bahamas and the Caribbean,” said AOPA Senior Vice President of Marketing Jiri Marousek. “AOPA spent the last year making improvements, so the guides include even more information about airports as well as recommendations on places to eat, sleep, and play.”
The guides can also be downloaded as an app on iTunes for under forty dollars.
On its website, AOPA also provides important links to forms necessary when traveling to these tropical destinations. Download the arrival report, Bahamas Transire, cruising permit, and general declaration forms from the Bahamas and Caribbean guides page.
“The redesign of the guides is part of a broader AOPA effort to give pilots more content about fun and exciting places to fly,” Marousek said. “Expect more in 2018.”
To learn more, read AOPA’s story.