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Valdez extremes

Short takeoffs and landings, big crowds

The diminutive, highly modified Piper Cub flew slowly in ground effect along the taxiway parallel to Runway 24 at Alaska’s Valdez Pioneer Field, toward a white chalk line bracketed by bright orange cones. As it slowed further, the wing tips began to dip. The nose rose, then started down. Its tundra tires planted firmly just beyond the line, and the airplane stopped 10 feet, five inches from the mark—setting a new short-field landing record at the Valdez Fly-In and Air Show.

  • Steve Spence of Anchorage holds his Cessna 172 in a climb attitude during the 2017 Valdez Fly-In's STOL competition. Spence placed second in the Light Touring class, with a 70-foot takeoff and an 87-foot landing, for a total score of 157. Photos by Mike Collins.
  • From left, Ron Hursh of Valdez, Alaska; Pete VanDeHei of Fairbanks; and Jeff Harrison, also of Fairbanks, talk at the 2017 Valdez Fly-In. VanDeHei and Harrison flew their Piper Super Cubs to Valdez for the event.
  • Lance Brunner of Anchorage climbs his Cessna 180 during the 2017 Valdez Fly-In's STOL competition. He posted a 115-foot takeoff distance in the Heavy Touring category.
  • The Valdez Pioneer Field tower is a blur behind a Piper Super Cub flown by Doug Cranor of Valdez. He was participating in the Bush Class of the 2017 Valdez Fly-In's STOL competition.
  • Wes Erb of Big Lake, Alaska, practices landings in his Cessna 180--in part to burn fuel, so the airplane is at its optimum weight for the STOL competition at the 2017 Valdez Fly-In. Erb won the Heavy Touring class with a takeoff distance of 90 feet, and a landing distance of 135 feet.
  • An Everts Air Fuel Curtiss C-46, one of four the company operates out of Fairbanks, Alaska, is parked on display facing a glacier above Valdez Pioneer Field. It was on display at the 2017 Valdez Fly-In.
  • Frank Knapp lands his highly modified "Lil Cub" at the 2017 Valdez Fly-In and STOL competition. His shortest landing distance was 10 feet, 5 inches.
  • Judges wait for Ron Kuzina's Cub to come to a stop at the 2017 Valdez Fly-In's STOL competition. Kuzina, of Wasilla, Alaska, posted a landing distance of 69 feet.
  • Tires smoke as Matt Voit of Peters Creek, Alaska, brakes his Cessna 182A during the 2017 Valdez Fly-In's STOL competition. Voit took second place in the Heavy Touring class.
  • David Stoots of Fairbanks, Alaska, bounces on touchdown in his Cessna 170B during the 2017 Valdez Fly-In's STOL competition.
  • Judges stand by to mark the touchdown point of a Bush Class competitor in the 2017 Valdez Fly-In's STOL competition, The next two airplanes in this heat are visible on downwind and base.
  • Judges note where the wheels of Frank Knapp's "Lil Cub" left the ground. He took off in a distance of 14 feet, 7 inches at the 2017 Valdez Fly-In and STOL competition.

Of course, landing alone does not a short-takeoff-and-landing victory make. Frank Knapp’s Little Cub, competing in the light sport class, had taken off in 14 feet, seven inches—for a total score of 25 feet, winning the class and the event. (Under the Valdez STOL competition rules, takeoff begins from the starting line, and judges measure where the main wheels leave the ground; on landing, mains cannot touch down before the line, and distance is measured from where the mains stop.) The overall second-place combined distance was 75 feet. A large crowd braved steady 15-knot winds; temperatures in the low 40s; and, later in the day, cold drizzle to witness the feats.

It was a long journey to the fourteenth annual Valdez Fly-In for Knapp and his wife, Kristine, of Palmer, Alaska. They built the airplane in 2012, and first competed in 2013. That December they had a hangar fire. “It took out our 60-by-60 hangar and three airplanes—one of which was Little Cub,” Knapp said. “We spent a month on the hangar. Not really rebuilding—it was 17 below—but we had to recoup things. Then the next three months we spent together, 15-hour days, rebuilding Little Cub. It was a total mess.”

The couple completed the rebuild, came back to Valdez, and won the overall competition. But they skipped the 2016 event. “We did five mods. [My wife] reminded me that you only do one at a time. A couple of them didn’t work out very well. I couldn’t get it rebuilt enough to get it here. We put a lot of mods into it, and ultimately we threw a lot of mods away.”

Frank Knapp of Palmer, Alaska, is all smiles as judges signal a landing distance of 13 feet, 8 inches. His second landing was even shorter: 10 feet, 5 inches.

Knapp has stuck with the leading-edge slats, and custom flaps. Special landing gear makes a huge difference. “Being able to land now and just drop it on—you know, we stabbed it onto one gear—and have no rebound, that was the TK 1 [Racing’s landing gear]. They just did an awesome job with that.” The Little Cub’s fuselage originally is from a 1939 Piper J-3 Cub. “It started out at 685 pounds with an 85-horse [engine], and it was a well-balanced machine. But you can’t have too much horsepower, so now it’s got an O-320 with about 180 horses, and with the different mods that we’ve put into it, we’re running about 800 pounds.”

To what does Knapp attribute the fact that he has won every time he’s competed in Valdez? “I’ve got a wonderful wife that helps me at every step of the way,” he said.

The 2017 event saw exceptional attendance, said Joe Prax, president of the Valdez Fly-In. “We had 157 airplanes on the ground Friday night, which is a record for us.” A low marine layer on Saturday morning cut off arrivals and forced cancellation of the poker run, with its popular beach landing—but clouds lifted for the afternoon STOL competition. “We had an awesome short takeoff and landing competition. That’s what we’re known for,” Prax said. Attendance on Saturday was 2,500 people. “It was a good turnout for us. It’s been a fantastic weekend.”

There were attendees from Denmark; Cape Town, South Africa; Tennessee; and Georgia. Pilots flew in from across Alaska and as far away as North Carolina—two people in a pressurized Cessna 210—and one from Maine.

Lydia Jacobs, 19, of Corinth, Maine, waits in her Cessna 150 for the signal to take off. Jacobs flew 60 hours, over 17 days, to get to Alaska. Although she didn't win her class in the 2017 Valdez Fly-In's STOL competition, she posted a 126-foot takeoff and 151-foot landing.

The latter was Lydia Jacobs, 19, of Corinth, Maine, who flew 60 hours over 17 days in her Cessna 150. She sold her car to raise gas money. Beginning the trip as a 450-hour private pilot, she’s almost finished with her commercial—the cross-country requirement now more than met—and plans to seek a flying job. “I definitely learned a lot, and I’m very grateful for the people who helped me along.” She said she had to power through a lot of adversity to reach Alaska, and that many people she met were skeptical she could get there—skepticism that didn’t diminish until she got much closer to Alaska.

Jacobs competed in the STOL contest’s Light Touring class. Her score of 277 feet (takeoff, 126 feet; landing, 151 feet) placed her 118 feet behind third place, but she was happy with her performance. “Both of them are a personal best,” she said. She also was commended for going around when airplanes in her heat bunched up.

This summer, Jacobs has a job working the dock for a floatplane operator on Lake Hood in Anchorage. “I want to be a commercial pilot for a small outfit. I’d like to be a bush pilot,” she said.

Other class winners for the 2017 Valdez STOL contest were, Heavy Touring, Wes Erb, Cessna 180, (takeoff, 90; landing, 135; total 225); Light Touring, Mark Hasner, Cessna 170B, ( 63-84-147); Bush, Chris Wyekoff, Piper PA-18 Super Cub, (59-80-139); and Alternate Bush, Tom Hudzinski, SQ-2, (47-28-75). More results will be posted on the event’s website.

Valdez is well suited to the STOL contest. “We have a steady sea breeze, we’re obviously at sea level, and it’s a little cooler than some other places,” Prax said. “All of that is conducive to great airplane performance. The biggest thing may be that steady sea breeze—that’s just constant wind that you can fly in.”

And if other STOL events are imitation, they’re the sincerest form of flattery. “The STOL competition is getting more popular. It’s been done in Oshkosh, it’s been done in Texas at the STOL Roundup, there are getting to be several other places up here that run it as well. I’m all for it—the more the merrier,” Prax said. “Let’s expand this and get more people into flying.” Many use the Valdez rules or a variant, he added. “We’re always happy to help with that.”

Mike Collins
Mike Collins
Technical Editor
Mike Collins, AOPA technical editor and director of business development, died at age 59 on February 25, 2021. He was an integral part of the AOPA Media team for nearly 30 years, and held many key editorial roles at AOPA Pilot, Flight Training, and AOPA Online. He was a gifted writer, editor, photographer, audio storyteller, and videographer, and was an instrument-rated pilot and drone pilot.

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