For the past six years, he’s taken his Nikon D750 camera with him and photographed some incredible views from around 37,000 feet, but it was this photograph of a cumulonimbus cloud as a lightning storm began that has gotten him the notice of the media and other photographers. The Quito, Ecuador-based pilot sent this photograph to National Geographic in July 2016, and it was featured on the website’s “Daily Dozen” of the best photographs from around the world. From there the photo went viral and Borja was interviewed and featured in The Washington Post, Lonely Planet, and other media sites. He was flying over the Pacific Ocean south of Panama when the thunderstorm began. “I like this photo so much because you can feel the amazing size of the storm and its power,” Borja said. “But at the same time it’s wonderful how peacefully you can fly around it in still air without touching it.”