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AOPA opposes Naples development

AOPA is opposing a mixed-use development that could create hazards for pilots flying to and around Naples Municipal Airport in Collier County, Florida.

Naples Municipal Airport

In a Sept. 6 letter to the Collier County manager, AOPA warned that the proposed development would have a negative impact on the airport, noting that the FAA has already determined that three buildings within the development would pose a hazard to air navigation.

The so-called Gateway Triangle project would include an 18-story residential tower, an 11-story office structure, and a 10-story hotel directly under the traffic patterns for the airport. In a series of “Notice of Presumed Hazard” determinations, the FAA said the structures exceed obstruction standards for land surrounding the airport.

In its letter, AOPA noted that the proposed development also appears to violate Collier County land-use zoning requirements by exceeding residential density per acre and exceeding the maximum building height allowed for residential and hotel uses. AOPA asked the county not to modify its zoning laws to accommodate the planned development.

“Naples Municipal is vital to the community, and it’s important to avoid development that would make it more difficult or dangerous for pilots to access the airport,” said Bill Dunn of AOPA government affairs. “We’re asking the County to protect the airport so it can continue to drive economic development, provide transportation, and deliver humanitarian services to county residents and businesses.”

The letter also pointed out that, since the buildings would be subject to aircraft overflight, the county should require full real estate disclosure notices as part of any sales agreements, as well as easements to allow for the overflight of aircraft.

Elizabeth Tennyson
Elizabeth A Tennyson
Senior Director of Communications
AOPA Senior Director of Communications Elizabeth Tennyson is an instrument-rated private pilot who first joined AOPA in 1998.
Topics: Advocacy, Airport Advocacy, Airport

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