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Rans offers new Titan-powered aircraft

S-21 kit can cruise at 130 knots

Editor's note: This story has been edited to reflect that the S-21 is a two-place aircraft and has a shorter wing than the S-20 Raven.
Rans Aircraft has joined manufacturers offering an airframe powered by a 180-horsepower Titan 340 engine. The S-21 uses all that power to carry a payload (meaning the poundage you have left over when the tanks are full) of about 625 pounds for you and your baggage.
Randy Schlitter with his new design, and the beginnings of the S-21 on display at EAA AirVenture. Photo by Jim Moore.

The two-seat S-21 Outbound is a kit that can be built either as a taildragger or a tricycle-gear aircraft. Its two chief selling points are its speed, 130 knots, and its ability to haul about 625 pounds of whatever you want even when the tanks are full. That’s nearly 32 gallons of gas.

The two seats are side-by-side. The aircraft is capable of short takeoff and landing and can use tires ranging from eight inches to 26 inches. The aircraft can be seen at Booth 620 at EAA AirVenture.

The company claims this latest kit offering is the easiest to build in its product line. It also offers assembled light sport aircraft for other models, the S-7LS Courier, S-19LS Venterra, and S-20LS Raven. The Outbound is too heavy to qualify for the light sport aircraft category, weighing 1,800 pounds at maximum gross weight. Light sport aircraft are limited to 1,320 pounds maximum gross weight for land-based aircraft.

The Outbound is claimed to burn 8 gph and have a range of 527 nautical miles. It is able to handle six positive Gs and four negative, the same standard as most trainer aerobatic aircraft. The baggage volume is 23 cubic feet. Similar in appearance to the S-20 Raven, its wing is two feet shorter, but it still has a glide ratio of 11 to 1.

Alton Marsh
Alton K. Marsh
Freelance journalist
Alton K. Marsh is a former senior editor of AOPA Pilot and is now a freelance journalist specializing in aviation topics.
Topics: Aircraft, Taildragger, EAA AirVenture

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