A new air traffic control tower is slated to open at Houston Executive Airport (TME) Oct. 1, although the airspace will remain Class G. The VFR-only tower is scheduled to be open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week, and pilots will be required to establish two-way communication with the tower before entering airspace within a 4-nautical mile radius of the airport at altitudes below 2,000 feet mean sea level (msl). (See the notam and a graphic of the airspace.)
The existing East/West VFR corridor over Interstate 10 will remain in place, and while communicating with the tower isn’t mandatory for pilots flying at or above 2,000 feet msl, anyone flying at altitudes up to 2,500 feet msl is encouraged to contact the tower. The new airspace also includes an exemption around Sport Flyers Airport (27XS) defined by the following coordinates: N29/51/37 W95/56/27, N29/51/00 W95/55/41, N29/49/40 W95/55/41, N29/48/56 W95/56/24, N28/48/29 W95/58/05, and N29/48/29 W 95/58/28.
The privately funded and operated tower is being established through a memorandum of understanding with the FAA to help safely manage the mix of jet and piston traffic at Houston Executive, according to airport management.
Pilots can contact the tower on 126.975 MHz or the ground frequency on 132.075 MHz. Clearance delivery will be available on the ground frequency during the tower’s operating hours and by calling Houston Tracon at 281/433-5844 when the tower is closed.
Although the tower won’t appear on sectional charts until at least the March 2015 revision, the information will be available via notam. AOPA members who don’t receive the notam during a standard briefing or who experience other difficulties are encouraged to let AOPA know.