Rex Damschroder (R-Fremont), a veteran lawmaker, airport operator, and pilot, has become chairman of Ohio’s Legislative Aviation Caucus.
Damschroder, 62, returned last year to the House following service from 1995 to 2003, including tenure as chairman of the House Transportation Committee. He now chairs the Transportation, Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee.
In a May 31 news release, Damschroder urged fellow lawmakers to join the aviation caucus of a state rich in history of flight.
“Modern aviation started in Ohio with the Wright Brothers legend and evolved through the years to be a major player in military and manufacturing industry,” he said. “Neil Armstrong, John Glenn and the many Ohio astronauts that followed have made Ohio one of the nation’s premier aviation states.”
AOPA welcomed Damschroder’s caucus leadership and looked forward to working with him on issues critical to general aviation.
“We could not be more pleased to see Representative Damschroder continue the great work of the Aviation Caucus,” said Bryan Budds, AOPA Great Lakes regional manager. “His continued legislative experience coupled with his practical aviation knowledge prove him to be an ideal leader for the aviation caucus.”
A pilot since age 16, Damschroder worked as a flight instructor, export pilot, and bush pilot, said his news release. At 21 he was “the youngest person to solo the Atlantic Ocean unassisted on a flight to the Congo. This was followed by 22 more flights to Africa delivering aircraft to missionaries,” it said.
The owner and operator of Ohio’s Fremont Airport, Damschroder is an AOPA member, and a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).
Damschroder said he was focused on promoting the continued health of the aviation industry. He urged other state legislators to join the aviation caucus.
Budds urged members in Ohio to contact their state senators and representatives and urge them to join the Ohio Legislative Aviation Caucus.