As of July 1, 2024, the Bahamas Customs & Excise Department has imposed substantial and egregious fees on pilots flying General Aviation aircraft on recreational flights. Pilots should be mindful of these new and additional fees before considering flying to the Bahamas. Read More
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Shaw AFB proposal could address GA concerns

An Air Force proposal for reconfiguring the special-use airspace over Shaw Air Force Base would largely address concerns raised by airspace users after an earlier draft, AOPA told the agency in comments.

The Air Force has released its final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the airspace training initiative over areas of South Carolina and Georgia. The association expressed support for that option and for the Air Force’s plan to release any unneeded airspace back to the National Airspace System when it is not in use for training, encouraging the agency to continue to improve real-time special use airspace data. 

"Based on the range of options, the Mitigated Proposed Action largely addresses the concerns raised by airspace users during the initial Draft EIS comment period," wrote AOPA Manager of Air Traffic Services Tom Kramer. "However, with the implementation of some additional operational procedures to allow Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) access to Victor Airway 70 and T-route 209 in the southeast corner of the airspace complex, the Mitigated Proposed Action could better address the impacts of the proposed airspace initiative on general aviation."

The initiative proposes three alternatives for reconfiguring the Gamecock, Poinsett, and Bulldog military operations areas (MOAs) to accommodate changes to military training missions in the area. The proposals in the final EIS represent some improvement for GA from the draft proposed in 2005, and AOPA said it is encouraged by Air Force efforts to accommodate GA.

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