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AOPA's 2010 sweepstakes is a 'Fun to Fly' Remos GX

The excitement and enthusiasm surrounding the opening day of AOPA Aviation Summit in Tampa, Fla., were capped off by the unveiling of the association’s 2010 sweepstakes aircraft: a brand-new Remos GX light sport aircraft (LSA).

Summit attendees were the first to get a look at the Remos. AOPA President Craig Fuller, Remos Managing Director Corvin Huber, and Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association President Dan Johnson were on hand as the Remos was literally undraped to a musical fanfare on Nov. 5 in the exhibit hall of the Tampa Convention Center.

“I can’t tell you how pleased we are” to have the airplane as the next sweepstakes choice, Fuller told the assembled Summit audience. “We do believe that this type of aircraft will help some people getting into flying who had not been able to before.”

Johnson called the Remos an excellent choice for a light sport aircraft, adding that Remos is the current market leader in the light sport segment of the industry.

The theme of next year’s sweepstakes is “Fun to Fly”—and the Remos, N210FN, is sure to live up to that promise. The two-seat airplane sports a snappy paint scheme, a three-blade propeller, and a 100-hp Rotax engine that will get you off the ground in a hurry.

The Remos has a comfortably wide cockpit—46.8 inches—and carries 22 gallons total fuel. It can hold two 200-pound pilots plus fuel and baggage.

There’s also a raft of options that will delight the pilot who wins N210FN, such as a Dynon multifunction display and autopilot, a panel-mount Garmin 496, and leather seats. N210FN will get some additional upgrades in the coming year.

The 2010 Fun to Fly Sweepstakes is the very first time AOPA has featured an LSA. The Remos was AOPA’s choice because of its modern design and safety equipment, including air bags and a ballistic parachute system that will be installed on N210FN. Fuller noted that Remos has demonstrated a commitment to reach beyond the traditional GA marketplace in order to expose others to the experience of flight. AOPA embraces the need to reach out to the general public with a modern, safe airplane in order to grow the pilot population, he said.

AOPA's 'Fun to Fly' 2010 Sweepstakes Remos GX AOPA President Craig Fuller stands beside the Fun to Fly Sweepstakes Remos GX.

The Fun to Fly Sweepstakes also marks the first time that AOPA’s giveaway will run from Nov. 3, 2009, to Sept. 30, 2010. If your membership is current as of Sept. 30, 2010, you are automatically entered in the sweepstakes. The name of the winner will be announced at AOPA Summit 2010 in Long Beach, Calif.

AOPA members who are part of the association's automatic annual renewal program get an extra five chances to win the airplane. If you have been part of the program for two years or more, that doubles to 10 extra chances. So if you haven’t already signed up for automatic annual renewal, now’s the perfect time.

What about this year’s Let’s Go Flying Cirrus SR22? You still have until Dec. 31, 2009, to join or renew your AOPA membership for a chance to win.

Related links:

2010 Fun to Fly Sweepstakes rules

Jill W. Tallman
Jill W. Tallman
AOPA Technical Editor
AOPA Technical Editor Jill W. Tallman is an instrument-rated private pilot who is part-owner of a Cessna 182Q.

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