Although students have the option of filing a paper application, most apply for a student pilot certificate online through the IACRA system. But the glitch was preventing applications filed by students with foreign addresses from being sent to the FAA.
With the fix, those applications are moving again, but about 100 previously filed applications with foreign addresses are still “stuck” in IACRA, and the FAA will be working to push those through. No additional action is required by the affected applicants or flight instructors at this time. If that changes, the FAA has said it will contact the instructor associated with the “stuck” application by email and provide detailed instructions about how to correct the problem.
New applications being filed by students with foreign addresses should move through the system smoothly.
In the meantime, the FAA is reminding student pilots that both they and their instructor must electronically sign the application for a student pilot certificate before it is complete and can be sent to the FAA. More details about the submission process are available on the IACRA website.