This site serves the home of the industry campaign, led by AOPA, to find an unleaded solution that works for all aviators, manufacturers, suppliers, and regulators, and benefits the environment. Bookmark and revisit this site for continued news, updates, developments, and success stories.
To contact AOPA directly regarding this issue, you can email us at: [email protected].
The general aviation industry’s goal is FAA authorization for unleaded avgas that can replace 100LL for all aircraft in the GA fleet, with a transition that can be done effectively and efficiently, with no negative impact on safety. Several promising solutions are currently being evaluated. AOPA will continue to advocate for solutions that work for all, building a coalition of stakeholders that will engage in practical and forward-thinking measures toward this future.
AOPA is building a broad partnership of those who represent many facets of the transition to an unleaded avgas future. This coalition has a single-minded purpose of steering the GA industry to an unleaded future, and advocating for a smart and safe transition that works for the entire GA fleet.
The following organizations represent those that have pledged to work together and use the necessary resources to make unleaded avgas for all aircraft a reality. We encourage all GA-related groups to join the Avgas Coalition by clicking here.
Click here to sign up for 100 UL avgas updates, and be prepared to take action to help AOPA push for fleetwide access to 100 UL avgas.