AOPA is reminding members to participate in the thirty-fifth annual General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey (GA Survey) covering calendar year 2012. The survey is the FAA’s primary source of information about the size and activity of the GA and on-demand Part 135 fleet.
The survey is a scientific sample of aircraft from the Civil Aviation Registry, and serves as the only source of information on the GA fleet, the number of hours flown, and the ways people use GA aircraft.
The data help the FAA determine funding for GA infrastructure and service needs, assess the impact of regulatory changes, and measure aviation safety. The survey also is used to prepare safety statistics and calculate the rate of accidents among GA aircraft. It covers a wide range of aircraft, aircraft operations, and types of ownership, including light sport aircraft; rotorcraft; fixed-wing piston and turboprop aircraft; and amateur-built, experimental and non-experimental aircraft.
The survey reviews aircraft operations, including Part 91, Part 135, and Part 137 operations. It also covers aircraft owned or operated by individuals and by companies as well as flying clubs, flight schools, fractional ownership programs, government agencies (federal, state, local), and N-numbered military aircraft used for civilian purposes.
Postcards were sent to those chosen to complete this year’s survey earlier this month. The survey can be completed online, or a survey form will be mailed with a postage-paid envelope.
The survey is being conducted by independent research firm Tetra Tech. The information gathered in the survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will not be published or released in any form that would reveal an individual participant. Contact the firm toll free at 800/826-1797 or email [email protected] with questions or comments.