- How many Christmas cards get sent per year in the US?
- How long does it take to grow a Christmas tree?
- What percentage of yearly retail sales in the US account for holiday
- What is the best-selling single record of all time that happens to
be a Christmas song, with 100 million sales worldwide?
- In its advertisements, what company originally depicted Santa Claus as a jolly, bearded older man?
- What popular classic Christmas song was originally a Thanksgiving
- What percentage of Americans celebrate Christmas?
- What is the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
- Which fairy tale inspired gingerbread houses?
- What is the longest-running humanitarian airlift worldwide that
occurs annually around Christmastime?
*Answers are below this picture - no cheating!
1. Six billion
2. 15 years
3. About 30%
4. White Christmas by Bing Crosby
5. Coca-Cola
6. Jingle Bells
7. 85%
8. The Grinch, the computer-animated version from 2018.
9. Hansel and Gretel
10. Operation Christmas Drop in Guam
How many did you get right? Please let us know! Now you can show off your knowledge during the holidays. Merry Christmas to all!
Caroline Smith
Product Marketing Coordinator
Caroline Smith is a Product Marketing Coordinator at AOPA. She graduated from Towson University with a BS in Business Administration. She has experience writing as a Marketing Intern at the Chesapeake Gateway Chamber of Commerce in Essex, MD, where her work was featured in the Avenue News. She enjoys pet sitting, reading thrillers, and crocheting.