And as if anyone really needed another excuse to go fishing, June 18 is your day. That’s right, pack up the gear and head to your favorite honey hole and go after that big one that keeps getting away.
Better yet, take a friend or family member along. If they don’t know anything about fishing, now’s your chance to corrupt – err, we mean “teach” – them. Show them why you love it so much, and why you hate it so much. If you’ve got kids, it’s a great opportunity to create lasting memories, even if you don’t catch a single fish
For many, it’s a chance to escape the daily grind. Or a meditative experience. Others simply love being in nature or enjoy the thrill and challenge of going after the big one.
There’s a broad variety of fishing gear out there, and so many different types of fishing, but one thing we know for certain is our Columbia long-sleeve fishing shirt is the perfect shirt for a day out on the water no matter what type of fishing you do. We have them available in both men’s and women’s styles. It has vents to keep you cool, pockets for storage, sleeves that can be easily rolled up when it gets hot, and a rod holder to keep your hands free. Plus, wearing your favorite AOPA shirt while fishing may give you the perfect opportunity to share your love of aviation with your fishing bud!
Grab one for yourself and one for someone else and head out to the water. And don’t forget your fishing license!