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Your Ultimate End-of-Summer Bucket List in a Pandemic

Although our days do not resemble those of summers passed, the fact is summer will soon be over, and we wanted to provide you with a summer bucket list that you can take advantage of.
AOPA Pilot Gear

This pandemic summer has felt, in many ways, like the summer that “wasn’t,” but there are still fun, warm weather things you can make happen before summer concludes.

Bike Around Your City
Summer mornings are best spent biking outdoors, and for this year's summer bucket list, why don't you become a tourist in your city and explore on your bike? Even if you have lived in your city a long time, we're pretty sure there are places around the area that you've never been to. So, as a treat for your family and you this summer, pack some essentials, go on a bike trip, and roam the city. Surprise yourself with “Instagrammable” spots, friendly faces, and new experiences.

Have a Vacation-Themed Day
You might not make it to your dream destination this year, but you can try your best to recreate it at home. There are plenty of things you can do to get in that vacation spirit. Why not order in some type of cuisine that resembles the cuisine available in your missed destination, or even cook a meal yourself? You can even learn about some of the local music-- you might find a new favorite. Now is also a good time to learn the language. Just think - if you learn now, you can chat with the locals when you finally make it on your trip! 

Spend a Day Tech-Free
Even before the pandemic blew up, it became noticeable how tech-dependent humankind has become. Gadgets and the Internet have become a part of our lives and have taken over our households, our schedules and, sometimes, the time spent with our loved ones. For this summer, let's look back on the simple things that matter. Let's put down our mobile phones and tablets, and let's stop browsing through websites and Netflix. Spend a full day tech-free and break free from the chains of technology and social media-- even just for a day!

Take a “You” Day
Sometimes, it’s nice to have a day that’s all about you. Treat yourself and throw on your favorite film, order your ideal meal (or get someone to cook it for you!) and mix your favorite cocktail. Do all of the things that make you happy and don’t feel guilty about it all!

Set Up a Water Park
A visit to an amusement park might not be feasible this summer, but you can still have some watery fun at home. You can get the paddling pool out, set up a slip-n-slide and even get the water balloons out. It’s not just for kids either; everyone at home can get involved. Water fight, anyone?

Recreate the Olympics
We’ll sadly have to wait until next year to get the Tokyo Olympics on our screens, but don’t let that stop you. For the competitive among you, why not have a mini-tournament to settle some scores? Although pole-vaulting and archery aren’t advisable, there are plenty of activities you can recreate at home.

If you’ve got the space, track and field events are always a favorite. You can also try things like basketball, shotput (use a beanbag), discus (opt for a frisbee), long jump, and more. Divide into teams, create your own mascots, and see who can win the most medals.

These are just a few ideas, but hopefully they help inspire you to create your own end-of-summer bucket list. No matter what is going on right now, making lemonade out of lemons is always a good idea, which brings up another idea: a neighborhood spiked lemonade stand might make you the most well-liked neighbor on the block!

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