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Spring Cleaning Your Aircraft and Hangar

As the temperatures rise and we begin to make our way outdoors, cleaning of your aircraft is a must. There are no excuses. You can’t push it off. We know winter was unbearable and you didn’t want to go outside, but now, with the sun shining and the birds chirping, you must show your aircraft and hangar some love. To make sure you aren’t missing any important steps while cleaning your aircraft and hangar, here’s a handy-dandy check list:


  • Go through your storage and remove anything that is expired, such as chemicals
  • Wipe down any surfaces, benches, cabinets, etc.
  • Take this time to remove anything loose from the far (e.g. cables, tools, and boxes)
  • Check your electrical equipment and make
  • Check your hangar doors—make sure they open and close smoothly
  • Take inventory of mechanics and tools. Order anything you can’t find or don’t have
  • Make sure you have the necessary supplies in your hangar:

Initial Outside Check:

  • Do a thorough pre-flight, more so than normal with emphasis on things such as:
    • Leaks
    • Corrosion
    • Bird nest
    • Evidence of mice
    • Rusts
    • Tire

    Cleaning the outside:

  • Check to make sure the battery is in good condition
  • Lubricate everything on your lubrication chart—be sure to check what type of lubrication each area needs
  • Clean off your aircraft, including the windows
  • Bring back some shine to your aircraft by polishing it. Watch this video for a quick guide on how (only do if you have you are experience!)

    Cleaning the inside:

  • Vacuum the inside of your aircraft thoroughly
  • Wipe down the panel
  • Clean the inside of the windows
  • Go through your storage areas and throw out any products or chemicals (or snacks that you accidentally left over the winter) that are expired out
  • Clean in-seat monitors using microfiber cloth

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