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  • With decent cruise speeds, reasonable fuel burn, and straightforward maintenance—even though it is pretty much the only choice for someone wanting a piston, four-place helicopter—the R44 is not a compromise. Assuming you can stomach those costly life-limited parts, you’ll be on your way to building that pad in your backyard and being the envy of suburbanites everywhere.

    Ramp Appeal: Robinson R44

    Robinson R44 Cadet



  • Powerplant

    Lycoming IO-540, 245 hp for takeoff, 205 hp continuous

  • Propellers

  • Length

    38 ft 3 in

  • Height

    10 ft 9 in

  • Wingspan

  • Wing Area

  • Wing loading

  • Power loading

  • Cabin Width

    50.5 in

  • Empty Weight

    1,505 lb

  • Maximum gross weight

    2,500 lb

  • Useful load

    995 lb

  • Payload with full fuel

    716 lb

  • Fuel capacity

    29.5 gal plus 17 gal auxiliary

  • Baggage capacity


  • Takeoff distance ground roll

  • Takeoff distance over 50-ft obstacle

  • Rate of climb sea level

    1,000 fpm

  • Service ceiling

    14,000 ft

  • Landing distance over 50-ft obstacle

  • Landing distance ground roll

  • Cruise speed/endurance w/45-min rsv, std fuel (fuel consumption, ea engine) @ 75% power, best economy

    109 KTAS

  • Range

Limiting and Recommended Airspeeds

  • VX

  • VY

  • VNE

  • VS1

  • VSO

For more information, contact Robinson Helicopter Co at or via

All specifications are based on manufacturer's calculations. All performance figures are based on standard day, standard atmosphere, sea level, gross weight conditions unless otherwise noted.