Typically, if someone is described as two-faced, it's a derogatory remark. In the case of an airplane, though, it can be a huge compliment. Such is the case with Cessna's new T206 Turbo Stationair. By the time the throttle reached the firewall on the first takeoff, I knew this was not going to be like the last few turbocharged singles I had flown. Even the most hardened bush pilot would be impressed with the luxurious new T206's performance. Likewise, the typical pilot looking for an airborne family hauler would be foolish to turn his back to this airplane.
Lycoming TIO-540-AJ1A, 310 hp
McCauley 3 blade metal, constant speed
28 ft 3 in
9 ft 4 in
36 ft
174 sq ft
21.78 lb/sq ft
12.22 lb/hp
43 in
2,365 lb
3,806 lb
1,441 lb
919 lb
87 gal usable
11 cu ft, 180 lb
1,060 ft
1,970 ft
960 fpm
26,000 ft
1,395 ft
735 ft
161 KTAS
182 KIAS
For more information, contact Textron Aviation (Cessna) at or via https://cessna.txtav.com/en/piston/cessna-turbo-stationair-hd
All specifications are based on manufacturer's calculations. All performance figures are based on standard day, standard atmosphere, sea level, gross weight conditions unless otherwise noted.