The Cessna 177B Cardinal is a fan favorite for its sleek looks, improved visibility, and bigger cockpit space than the 172. The Cardinal is easily identifiable by its wing aft of the pilot seat, lack of struts, doors that open a full 90 degrees. Smooth and stable handling is a characteristic of this bright bird, and a stabilator for increased control compensates for the “heavier” nose due to wing placement. Originally underpowered with a 150-horsepower Lycoming O-320-E2D engine, subsequent models 177A, 177B, and 177RG (retractable gear) were all equipped with several upgrades which included 180 to 200-hp engines.
Lycoming O-360-A1F6 (180 hp)
McCauley Constant Speed
27 ft
8 ft 8.4 in (1970-71); 9 ft 2 in (1972-74)
35 ft 7.2 in
174 sq ft
14.4 lb
13.9 lb
4 ft
1,485 ft
2,500 lb
1,015 lb
685 lb
330 lb
120 lb
750 ft
1,400 ft
840 fpm
14,600 ft
1,220 ft
600 ft
726 nm
840 fpm
161 KCAS
All specifications are based on manufacturer's calculations. All performance figures are based on standard day, standard atmosphere, sea level, gross weight conditions unless otherwise noted.