Since 9/11, the security of general aviation (GA) airports and aircraft has received some negative attention from the media. This course offers flight schools, aircraft owners, renter pilots, FBOs, and flying clubs practical guidelines to help enhance GA security.
Now more than ever, security has become part of general aviation on every level of flying or flight training. On this page, AOPA offers pilots an easy way to find the security resources they need for each portion of their flight and also offers information on AOPA’s advocacy efforts.
Tools and information to help all pilots keep their aircraft and their airports safe:
Resources to help pilots navigate the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Special Flight Rules Area.
Before you go, boost your knowledge about airspace and then plan your flight, using all the features of AOPA’s Internet Flight Planner.
Use these tools to prepare for the en-route portion of your flight:
You’ll have to maneuver around restricted airspace, so you’d better learn about NOTAMS, TFRs, and special use airspace.