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Conference focuses on drone integration

Photo by Jim Moore.

Drones are already in the airspace, both legally (in limited tests) and (more often) illegally. A host of government agencies, corporations, and aviation groups are collaborating to promote and enhance safety as the drone boom gains steam, and integration will be the focus of a conference planned Nov. 8 through 10 in Las Vegas.

The American Association of Airport Executives and Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International are hosting the three-day event, with various panel discussions planned covering both the opportunities and challenges created by the proliferation of drones in the consumer and commercial arenas. The discussions will include progress reports on various initiatives, policy discussions, and perspectives from all airspace users including pilots, controllers, and drone operators.

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AOPA is among the sponsors, a group that includes a diverse range of organizations representing manned and unmanned aviation. The conference is geared to be of particular interest to private and commercial pilots, airport managers, aviation lawyers, emergency management directors, law enforcement, and government officials, among others. Additional information including an agenda and travel information is available online.

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
Managing Editor-Digital Media
Digital Media Managing Editor Jim Moore joined AOPA in 2011 and is an instrument-rated private pilot, as well as a certificated remote pilot, who enjoys competition aerobatics and flying drones.

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