L-3 Aviation Products announced April 9 that its Lynx NGT-9000 MultiLink Surveillance System has received technical standard order authorization from the FAA. The Lynx NGT-9000 is the first touchscreen, dual-mode 978-MHz and 1090-MHz Mode S Extended Squitter (ES) transponder that can display Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) traffic and weather.
Teased by L-3 since last year, AOPA reported on the Lynx product line when it was unveiled in February.
“We’re thrilled to begin filling the backlog of orders we’ve received since unveiling our Lynx product earlier this year,” said Larry Riddle, L-3 Aviation Products vice president of marketing and sales for business, regional, and general aviation. “Lynx customers run the gamut from operators of single-engine piston aircraft to operators of medium-size business jets.”
“The NGT-9000 is an autonomous unit, requiring only a GPS antenna for its operation,” the company said in a press release. It has an embedded WAAS/GPS position source, and can support L-3’s optional NextGen Active Traffic. Its high-resolution display serves as both a transponder screen and a multifunction display with moving maps, weather, notams, temporary flight restrictions, and ADS-B traffic. “Typically, these capabilities cost tens of thousands of dollars and require multiple boxes,” Riddle said. “Our Lynx NGT-9000 includes all of these capabilities in an affordable, single-box solution.”
“The NGT-9000 is a form-factor replacement for existing transponders,” the company said. “It supports 1090ES (Mode S Extended Squitter) ADS-B Out and 1090-MHz and 978-MHz (UAT) ADS-B In, which enable ADS-B traffic (ADS-B, ADS-R, and TIS-B) and FIS-B data reception.” Traffic can be displayed on the unit itself or on other panel-mounted avionics using ARINC 429, RS-232, or RS-422 protocols.
List price for the NGT-9000 is $6,800 plus installation. The Lynx product line includes several lower-priced units with reduced capabilities and feature sets.