Got a youngster who wants to explore aviation and aerospace? AeroCamp, a day program hosted by flight schools around the nation, may be just the summer destination for a future pilot.
Young people ages 12 to 18 can enroll in an AeroCamp that will allow them to learn about aviation at their local airport. Participating members of the Flight School Association of North America will host the programs, which generally run for five days over selected seasonal dates. Most authorized facilities will offer two summer AeroCamp experiences: AC Basic, for those with little or no previous aviation knowledge; and AC Advanced, for teens with some previous aviation knowledge or experience. There is no prerequisite for the advanced session.
Campers in AC Basic will learn such things as what makes an airplane fly; how to perform a preflight inspection; and the basics of aeronautical charts, among other topics. They will participate in field trips to selected destinations at the airport, and will receive an orientation flight of up to one hour. AC Advanced campers will perform a preflight; plan a cross-country flight and make the flight; and study FAA knowledge test questions, among other activities. They will receive two to three hours of flight instruction.
See the website for a state-by-state list of participating flight schools.