The Denver, Colo.-based Aspen Flying Club will offer a 12-week instrument ground school course as one of its many flight training options, beginning Nov. 25. The club touts the course as the next logical move for private pilots wishing to advance their skills.
The club’s course was designed to provide pilots seeking instrument training with all of the necessary information needed to pass the FAA instrument knowledge exam. It covers topics such as flight instrument systems, attitude instrument flight, instrument navigation, airports and airspace, federal aviation regulations, ATC systems and clearances, charts and procedures, holding patterns, GPS navigation, flight simulation, meteorology, aeromedical factors, and IFR emergency procedures and flight planning.
Instrument ground school is part of the club’s full offering of flight training, said Jenni Smith, Aspen’s director of member relations. Other club courses are sport/private pilot ground school; mountain flying; a co-pilot course for spouses or regular right-seat passengers; and Aviation 101.
Aspen Flying Club's instrument ground training course runs from Nov. 25 through Feb. 10. The cost is $350, and students are encouraged to purchase the Cessna Pilot Kit, which has everything needed for the class, for $249. For more information on the course and how to register, go to the club website or call 303/799-6794.