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Super Legend wins light sport certification

American Legend Aircraft officials in Sulphur Springs, Texas, have waited a long time for approval of their new, more powerful Super Legend Cub, by FAA inspectors—seven weeks longer than expected, to be exact. Another side effect of the government shutdown in 2013 was to delay aircraft certification.

The website says the 115-horsepower Super Legend is the 133rd light sport aircraft to win ASTM approval, but 10 of those are either out of production or lack a U.S. importer. The vast majority of LSA aircraft are built by other countries.

Most of the new Super Legends are expected to go out the door, equipped with the typically requested options, at $174,000. The base price is $146,800. The light weight mandated for the light sport category of 1,320 pounds means the 115-horsepower engine can give the aircraft the performance of a fully certified Piper Super Cub. That performance is seen mostly in the 900 feet-per-minute climb rate, but it is also faster than the mainstay of the American Legend company, the Legend Cub.

A full report on the Super Legend will be in the January issue of AOPA Pilot. Look for it in your mailboxes starting mid-December. Digital subscribers will receive it earlier online.

Darin Hart of American Legend Aircraft accepts FAA Super Legend.
Alton Marsh
Alton K. Marsh
Freelance journalist
Alton K. Marsh is a former senior editor of AOPA Pilot and is now a freelance journalist specializing in aviation topics.
Topics: FAA Information and Services, Light Sport Aircraft, Advocacy

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