Please click here here to sign the 2025 Pilot Petition
AOPA has been fighting to protect our uniquely American freedom to fly for over 80 years.
We’ve compiled a track record that's second to none, and we have a great advocacy team in Washington that no other aviation organization can match.
But we don’t do it alone. Not by a long shot. We get the job done because of those AOPA members who are willing to step out of the crowd, go beyond the requirements of regular membership, and take a leadership role in winning key advocacy battles.
Through member support for our AOPA Political Action Committee, we’ve established AOPA as a formidable voice in Washington, year after year. And that’s made an extraordinary difference in helping us advance matters that benefit every GA pilot in America today and for those to come.
Nothing comes easy in Washington and Members of Congress have thousands of issues before them day after day, month after month, and year after year.
And while we have much more to do to help General Aviation remain vibrant and safe, your PAC donation will help ensure that the voices of AOPA members are heard and addressed in Congress.
There's no substitute for AOPA PAC's continued financial strength. Step up and let your voice be heard with a donation today!
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