Aviators like to take note of the fact that powered, controllable flight began with the Wright Flyer on December 17, 1903. News media stories will remind the public of that historic event during the third week in December.
Flight schools can recognize this first flight achievement with a special marketing offer for an introductory flight if scheduled during the month of December prior to the 17th and recognition of any first solo flights that occur on December 17.
This is something to offer on your website, Facebook page, flight school newsletter, or any local media advertising that you will do in late November or early December. The offer might be a 25 to 50 percent discount on the introductory flight purchase and on the December 17 first solo flight. December weather is often questionable for flight as it was for the Wright brothers in 1903. A “rain check” can be issued for the next solo weather flying day.
December is the month to sell “gift of flight” certificates for the holidays, and there is no better way to emphasize achievement than to recognize the Wright Brothers accomplishments. Furthermore, think of the local, regional, or even national news coverage your flight school could receive if one or more of your students solo the same day (or near to it) that Orville Wright did. That is free advertising that offsets the cost of your discount offer. It all works together to get your flight school name out in front of the public.
Right now is the time to design your “First Flight” marketing plan. During the rest of November and early December, pre-solo students and their flight instructors can be working toward a solo accomplishment targeting the December 17 date. Now there is a goal to motivate students and instructors.
This is also a good time to review with your staff the history of the Wright brothers’ first flight as easily found online to create excitement and enthusiasm for “First Flight” marketing efforts. It is common to think that the Wright brothers brought us powered flight when their big contribution was controlled flight around the three axes of the airplane.
Ed Helmick has been a flight instructor since 1988. He formerly managed a flight school in Spanish Fork, Utah, as well as schools in Scottsdale, Arizona.