For aviation enthusiasts who want access to pilot resources, exclusive discounts, and to support general aviation advocacy.
For students and those operating under light sport, recreational or private pilot certificates who want enhanced benefits, legal coverage and support.
For pilots under ATP, Commercial, Flight Instructor, or UAS Part 107 certificates, or those who want maximum legal coverage and certification support
An AOPA membership not only gives you access to the training resources and flight tools below, but also helps advocate for General Aviation at all levels.
From award-winning magazines to exclusive member discounts, membership will enhance your passion for flying and can help you save some money for more hours in the air.
All the benefits of AOPA Membership including:
Basic coverage from our legal and medical certification staff and legal services staff and panel attorneys assist you with struggles that all pilots deal with from time to time.
All the benefits of AOPA Membership including:
Maximum coverage from our legal and medical certification staff and legal services staff and panel attorneys assist you with struggles that all pilots deal with from time to time.
Compare Levels of Pilot Protection Services Coverage
*The Plan does not cover actions based on events that occurred prior to your joining the Plan. Please see Plan Description to understand how the Plan works. **Plan pays 80% and participant pays 20% up to the approved panel attorney hourly rate listed in the AOPA Legal Services Plan - Plan Description.
Being a member of AOPA is about more than the huge list of benefits above. Joining AOPA is your chance to empower general aviation, standing beside hundreds of thousands of your fellow aviators and keep the skies safer and open for generations to come.
From training tools and safety information to exclusive discounts and access to aviation experts, AOPA membership can open doors and enrich your general aviation experience, no matter where you find yourself on your piloting journey.
Pilot Protection Services (PPS) is one of AOPA's most valued and utilized membership benefits. PPS gives you a seasoned team of experts on your team ready to help, so the left seat is all you need to focus on.
Explore PPSMake an investment in the future of general aviation. As a lifetime member, you’ll always be a part of the AOPA flying community with access to all the perks and benefits we offer.
$1999 one time
Call 800.872.2672From questions about our membership levels, exclusive events to help with any benefits or services AOPA offers, the Member Services team is here for you. Get the support you need and deserve, just reach out and we’ll be happy to assist.
Contact Our Specialists